The Task Manager

Questions and informations about PROAD Software modules
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:49 pm
Agency Name: J+D
First Name: Marie-Isabel
Last Name: Gramlich

The Task Manager

Postby Marie-isabel » Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:09 am

• Available from the "Consultant" licence type
• User right: [Extras --> Task Manager]

The Task Manager is designed to provide an overview of all tasks that have not been allocated and all tasks that have been allocated but not completed per employee/freelancer in order to identify free resources and facilitate the quick assignment of tasks.

In order to view employees and freelancers or even teams in the Task Manager, these individuals or teams need to have the properties of "active" and "available in planning". These properties can be set in the "Details" section of the employee dialogue. Tasks and deadlines can only be processed in the Task Manager if they are not marked as "completed" or "cancelled".

Opening the Task Manager
In order to open the Task Manager, you need to be authorised to do so (Job -> Task Manager).
Open the Task Manager as a separate window in the "Job" menu. If no window appears, a pop-up blocker in your browser may have prevented it from opening. This is normally reported by browsers and must be allowed.
You can use the toolbar to toggle the large list on the left-hand side. This list can be used to display tasks that have not been allocated, employees/freelancers and teams.

The area on the right-hand side shows the individual employees/freelancers. You can also use the toolbar to toggle this area in order to show 3, 6 or 9 employees/freelancers or all at the same time.

Setting Up the Task Manager
Assigning tasks that have not been allocated
This tool is used to display tickets and tasks that have not yet been allocated to a responsible employee/freelancer. You can use drag and drop to move all marked tasks to an employee/freelancer. This area can be collapsed (using the small arrow in the top right-hand corner) in order to create more space for the employees/freelancers.

Selecting employees/freelancers

This area shows all employees/freelancers with the properties of "active" and "available in planning". To work with specific employees/freelancers, select them and use drag and drop to place them on the list on the right-hand side. If you have selected several entries, they will be loaded in subsequent lists. The list shown before will be cleared in order to prevent an employee/freelancer from being displayed twice.

Selecting a team

This area shows all teams with the properties of "active" and "available in planning". To work with the members of the teams, use drag and drop to place selected teams on the list on the right-hand side. All members of the team will then be loaded in the list and subsequent lists. The list shown before will be cleared in order to prevent an employee/freelancer from being displayed twice.

Setting the number of employees/freelancer lists
You can use the toolbar to specify how many lists should be displayed at the same time by choosing between the settings of 3, 6 and 9.

Saving the settings
The number of lists and the employees/freelancers allocated to the respective lists are stored as a cookie in the browser and restored when the Task Manager is opened.

Working with Tasks
List columns and business card
The list displays the priority, subject, type of work, deadline and remaining work of a task. The "i" icons in the priority column can be used to access the business card. Users can therefore easily access the dataset in PROAD without any problems. These data are, however, loaded in the background and PROAD does not automatically come to the foreground.
Users also have the option of filtering lists in the list of tasks that have not been allocated. The options available here cannot be compared with those in the main window of PROAD.

Automatic updates
Changes made to tasks/tickets are displayed automatically. New tasks/tickets will therefore be shown when they are created and the corresponding employee/freelancer responsible for them is currently being shown and will disappear when, for example, a task is "completed", "cancelled" or deleted.

Drag and drop
Drag and drop can be used to move tasks/tickets between the lists.

Rights and data rights

No rights or data rights apply to the tool dialogues that open a separate window, for example the calendar, the Gantt chart or the Task Manager. It must be assumed, that an employee has the right to open the task manager.

Detailed dialogue
A double click is used to open a detailed dialogue in which changes can be made. The detailed dialogue does not offer all of the fields that are, for example, available in the ticket system. If the fields shown are not sufficient, you can use the business card to quickly open the dataset in PROAD.
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