PROAD Video Tutorials - Functions at a glance

Gernal topics around PROAD Software
Ulrich Koch

PROAD Video Tutorials - Functions at a glance

Postby Ulrich Koch » Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:06 pm

The PROAD Video tutorials allow a you quick and easy access to the functionality of PROAD

In this section you find the PROAD Software video tutorials.

These videos are arranged within chapters in the table of contents within the left area of this site.

You will find introductions to the following issues:

- Standard toolbar

- Job - How to set up a job
- Job - Briefing and technical specs

- Documents - Templates
- Documents - Create a budget on a job
- Documents - Create a quote document on a job
- Documents - Create a purchase order document on a job
- Documents - Create an invoice document on a job

Time recording
- Time and material - Recording time and material costs

- Accounting - Purchase invoices

- E-Mail synchronisation

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